[AF] It's ALL posturing and spin

Tom Spencer Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 16:25:59 CDT 2009


We haven't had a GOOD president in 21 years.

The last GOOD President left office 01/20/89.

The last good one before him was about 80 years earlier. Left office 

The last good one before that was 100 years prior to THAT.  Left office 

There seems to be a pattern, here...

Note the "great war leaders" are ALSO separated by ~100 years...

Rich Wood wrote:
> I can't imagine any sane person finding good in the past 8 years with 
> President Cheney at the helm.
CHIME!  20 years and counting.
> All that comes to mind are all the 9/11 photo ops, a declaration of 
> mission accomplished, and a really great job by FEMA in New Orleans. 
> "Good job Brownie."

Which was the result of a couple of Dummycr at s not ASKING for help - and 
totally IGNORING what resources they had - I work for the company that 
lost those buses that the Mayor (D) and Governor (D) didn't even TRY to 
use to evacuate New Orleans.  Talk about clueless.....

> To me, the man is a bumpkin. His greatest attribute is his 
> resemblance to Alfred E. Newman in Mad Magazine.
Um, er, ah, (please page the TelePrompTer!) ah, er, ah, uh, um, er, I 
have no idea what to say next, er, um, uh, ah, duh, der, ..... 
(transcript of most recent press conference)
> I'm not a fan. Never will be.
And that's your right - for a while, yet, anyway...

Tom Spencer
PG-18-25453 (nee' P1-18-48841)

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