[BC] Here it comes....

Mike McCarthy towers at mre.com
Tue Nov 30 09:41:12 CST 2010

On 11/29/2010 11:34 PM, Alex Hartman wrote:
>Didn't fox just try to pull this with cablevision and dishnet? No different. All the customers lose out when businesses get pissy with eachother.
>The reason why comcast put bandwidth caps in place is purely marketing, they want you to use their VOD service, not netflix or hulu. Simple as that. If you rent their movies, they don't have to pay for bandwidth since it stays internal to their network.

 Very different.  Retransmission is a copyright issue.  Cable systems are essentially closed circuit re-broadcasters in a massive manner.

It has nothing to do with bandwidth availability and data consumption.  
Which is done in giant gulps when downloading movies and video.


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