[BC] AM Stereo

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Mon Nov 29 09:09:04 CST 2010

From: "Greg Ogonowski" <greg at indexcom.com>

>For anyone interested in taking a trip down memory lane, you can download
>the original Proposed AM Pre-Emphasis technical paper that Bob Orban and me
>wrote back in 1983.

Thank you for making my point for me, Greg.  Every AM station could have sounded this good-if they had cared to. They didn't care to, and now AM is essentially a poor quality, mono, speech only channel. IBOC will not help AM-I know of zero stations that have gone back to music after putting IBOC on-and besides who would want to listen to music on the analog side with a steep slope 5 kHz low pass filter in line? I remember your two stage suggested EQ-at night it was shelved at around 5 kHz, but during the day provided full 10 kHz bandwidth.

By the way, CLKW has a five tower DA.

AM is (and will always be) what it is, and wasting any more time talking about it is probably counterproductive.


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