[BC] Cart machines

Scott Bailey wmroradio at bellsouth.net
Sun Nov 28 13:40:56 CST 2010


Good gracious alive, why do those teachers want to teach them youngins old 
school stuff when nobody has any use for it anymore. Here in Tennessee, I don't 
know of any small AM Rural stations that even use cart machines or reel to 
reel.  The only thing "Retro" I have is my BE Mono Console, but I have two 
speakers on the wall from the monitor amp.  I use a Sampson Amp before the audio 
gets to the speakers.  I started in radio with that old type console, and I've 
owned slide fader consoles, and I have a slide fader mixer in my home studio, 
but I'm one of those guys that just can't let go of a rotary fader console.  
That's my weakness. I was very happy in the late 90's to dump cart machines, 
reels, due to they were so much trouble!  My BE is just a 5 channel console and 
it's cool!

Besides like Tom O. says, your the audio may enter your ears in stereo, but your 
brain mixes it into mono anyway!
 Scott Bailey
WMRO-AM, Gallatin, TN 

----- Original Message ----
> From: Alex Hartman <goober at goobe.net>
> Our station does this. Along side a digital router is an old patchbay, a few 
>Otari's and an ITC cart deck. The "training" program for the station requires 
>you to use carts to play PSAs.  The classes the school teaches do teach razor 
>blade splicing and back-queueing on turntables. We do have quite possibly the 
>most redundant things in our air studio... DIGITAL turntables. (S/PDIF outs)  
>Just seems wrong...

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