[BC] More Cart Machines

Glen Kippel glen.kippel at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 13:20:31 CST 2010

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 5:53 AM, Alan Peterson <alanpeterson at earthlink.net> wrote:
>Putting on my "perfesser" hat for a moment ...

>One of the roughest things I encounter during a semester (besides explain decibels) is trying to describe the concept of a "cart" to audio/broadcast students. In their lifetimes, they have never seen a cartridge player/recorder or its crazy cousin the 8-track tape player; and in terms of computer audio, they are used to playing their songs or funny sounds with a mouse click. "Loading" a "cut" into a "slot" is a foreign idea to anyone who has only ever opened an Explorer and performed right click>play. As such, cart emulators take some getting used to for many of these young 'uns.


Yeah -- when I stopped by the BSI booth at the NAB and saw how Simian looked like cart machines, I told them that if they wanted to replicate obsolete technology, they should show little Magnecord PT-6s with their reels going around.  It would be much more entertaining, and it would easy to see which spot was playing.  Apparently that they have not accepted my suggestion.  Why try to duplicate technology that is totally unfamiliar to most people? 

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