[BC] Broadcast Engineers Christmas List - book on SL-1

John Lyles jtml at losalamos.com
Wed Nov 24 13:58:26 CST 2010

I had the same reaction when i read Idaho Falls last year, could not put it down. It is, simply stated, too incredible a story to be real, yet it happened. 
In the 1940s we lost two people in Los Alamos to nuclear criticality accidents, and then another one in the 1950s. 

John Lyles

Chip sez:
It's not broadcast related, but a REALLY good book is:

Idaho Falls: The Untold Story of America's First Nuclear Accident by  
William McKeown

I was waiting to board a redeye in Las Vegas, and broke it open after  
buying it at the Atomic Testing Museum.  I stopped in at about 10 AM  
and planned to leave about time for lunch.  I ended up closing that  

I broke the book open and read some, then boarded.  I was in First  
Class, so I was looking forward to sleep.  My plan was that I would go  
to sleep once we reached 10,000 feet and I could lean back.  I read  
the book all the way across the country, and got no sleep.  It is a  
real page turner.

I also bought:

Atomic America: How a Deadly Explosion and a Feared Admiral Changed  
the Course of Nuclear History by Todd Tucker

It is the story of the Army's SL-1 test reactor at the National Labs  
outside Idaho Falls.  The only people killed by a nuclear REACTOR  
accident in the US were killed at SL-1, the three operators.


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