[BC] AM Stereo

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Tue Nov 23 19:07:40 CST 2010

With TV stereo there were how many? 4 different systems and 5 different
companders? That's 20 combinations. I didn't see the 7 others complain when
they came out with a decision. Instead, everyone went back to the lab and
started desiging products. TV stereo was out in the stores the first Christmas
after it was approved-and was a HUGE hit!

I respect Leonard as an engineer-and it's clear he is a genius. Problem is, as
Kenny Rogers said in "The Gambler" you've gotta know when to hold 'em and also
know when to fold 'em.
It was time to fold 'em when the FCC decision came out approving Magnavox.
There was nothing stopping Leonard from licensing the Magnavox patent and
building the best AM stereo unit out there.

As it was, the Kahn exciter was full of 741s.......UGH!!


From: Bob Tarsio <bob at broadcast-devices.com>

I think your criticism is a little harsh about Leonard Kahn. I have known
Leonard for nearly 30 years and worked for him for a short while in the early
1980's. Leonard's only fault if you call it that is that he was too damned
good of an engineer and not pragmatic enough to understand the forces he was
dealing with in the AM stereo debacle. 

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