[BC] Broadcast Engineer Christmas Li st...

Dave Dunsmoor mrfixit at min.midco.net
Tue Nov 23 17:48:08 CST 2010

>   So I thought I would turn to the collective and ask, just what might you suggest for a Christmas gift.
    I get enough electronic enjoyment at work. When I read, it's for "alternative enjoyment".
    One on my list is " A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. A thoroughly interesting dissertation about...well EVERYTHING, and quite entertaining. 
    Another is "A Walk in the Woods", again, by Bill Bryson. Relating his part of hiking the AT. This guy is REALLY entertaining.
    Then comes "No Shortcuts to the Top" by Ed Viesturs. Climbing Everest. Lots to learn there, even though I'll never attempt anything this demanding.
    Or "The Cuckoos Egg" by Clifford Stoll. A fine accounting of tracking down a computer cracker "way back when". Excellent detective work by a guy who didn't (initially) know what he was doing.
Dave Dunsmoor

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