[BC] can technology create a significant revenue source

David Reaves rrsounds at aol.com
Tue Nov 23 09:43:13 CST 2010

A lot of people think that Kahn introduced his AM stereo system at the same time as his competitors, in 1980. If I recall correctly, AM stereo was developed and successfully demonstrated by Kahn roughly concurrently with FM stereo (circa 1960), but the FCC decided to only approve FM stereo in order to promote FM listenership, which at that time was a very small fraction of AM's. So yes, AM stereo was adopted MUCH too late to have much value, but don't blame Kahn. And I think it's fair to say that Kahn's earlier rejection by the FCC set the stage for his petulant yet somewhat understandable response when they once again rejected his system 20 years later.

I don't claim to understand the working of Kahn's mind (does anybody?) but really, he was ready to go decades before Magnavox, Belar, Harris or Motorola had even given the idea a thought.

David Reaves

On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 20:45:21 -0500, "Dana  Puopolo" <dpuopolo at usa.net> wrote:
> EXACTLY! The way capatalism happens is to create a demand, then come up with a
> product to fufill said demand. Two things also come into play: TIMING and
> LUCK! HD radio's problem is timing-it came too late to be useful. So did AM
> stereo (by he time it came to market the broadcasters, helped by Leonard Kahn
> had delayed it too long). 

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