[BC] Getting the Commercials on

JIM GRAHAM jgprods at bellsouth.net
Sat Nov 20 11:00:35 CST 2010

"I had an idea once that the sales people absolutely loved, but the PD hated. Sell the entire stop set to one client! Do that a few hours a day, and see what your cume does to run 2-3 mini-commercials ("this hour of music brought to you by miller cheverolet!" every few songs)" - Alex Hartman

I've thought that before, too.  A PD friend of mine once told me that he made commercials a part of the programming, and they had fantastic ratings for a long time.  MY OPINION:  Those people paying for advertising are precious and should not hear a station play an hour of "commercial free music" or XX in a row, etc.  The station is subliminally saying, "Commercials are bad and we know it."  What an insult to the paying customer.

By the way, PDs, if you say four songs in a row and play a 90 second station promo right in the middle, that ain't 4 in a row.  The audience hears that 90 second station promo as a commercial!

And with all of the technology available to us today, we should be using it as a tool to creativity as well as providing the audience the absolute best audio quality possible, not mp3's because they "can't tell the difference".
Jim Graham

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