[BC] Type acceptance

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Thu Nov 18 07:07:17 CST 2010

On Thursday 18 November 2010 07:28:01 am Richard Fry wrote:
> Transmitters used in AM/FM/TV broadcast service in the US are required
> by 73.1660 to be "verified," not "type accepted."

 With exception of Construction permits issued even today, which DO
 require as a condition of the permit, a Type *Accepted* transmitter,
 or if a non Type *Accepted* transmitter is proposed, essentially
 require the licensee to make and document all of the measurements
 that were required for Type Acceptance when that was done.
 On many newer Type Approved transmitters, such measurements
 are impossible for technical reasons.

> As the topic of the thread leading up to this post is based on modifying
> an FM transmitter after it had been type-verified with the FCC by its
> manufacturer, 

 Since the verbiage in the original post stated Type Acceptance, 
 I assume he's referring to a very, VERY old box, that was originally
 Type Accepted.

 The boilerplate CP Type Acceptance requirement is a pet peeve 
 of mine, since such transmitters essentially no longer exist, and
 can not be obtained.

 The bottom line, is that if one wishes to modify any broadcast transmitter,
 is document and verify that operation has not been ADVERSELY affected
 in any way. Oh, and be sure to document !
 If the inspector is an engineer, they'll understand, since the intent is to
 maintain a clean operation.
 If the inspector is a lawyer, they won't have a clue that it's been
 modified anyway, if it looks reasonably "manufactured."


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