[BC] Transmitter metering

Mike Callaghan mike at mike.fm
Wed Nov 17 12:18:39 CST 2010

Don't know if you ever met Chester Coleman or not.  He was a partner in a station I put on in Camarillo, and we had NO money.  I borrowed a MBB-1 from some rich station, and my wife took it to the USC medical center, where she was a medical secretary.  One flash of the epoxy block with a medical Xray machine, and we had enough info to roll our own.    The entire cost of running KEWE was $ 750 a month.  We -still- went bust!


On 11/11/2010 11:52 AM, Jim Tonne wrote:

>I designed the MBB-1 from scratch without any
>knowledge of prior art, if it in fact existed.   Mine
>used a 2N2924.

>- JimT

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