[BC] Cover Art/Liner Notes

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Wed Nov 17 12:06:29 CST 2010

------ At 11:14 AM 11/17/2010, Bill Weeks wrote: -------

>I think the number of stations that have done the power increase is
>closer to 100, but probably all of them had the headroom in the existing
>systems, so there was no capital cost.

It's possible my source meant less than 5% rather than fewer than 10. 
I'm told a commercial station in Hartford has done it. It's run by my 
former employer.

Many stations in this market don't run title and artist info. I doubt 
anyone here will provide cover art and/or liner notes. They just 
display their call or the revolution's web site.

I may buy the new "Big Red" just to see what's displayed. It's touted 
as displaying cover art and liner notes as well as visuals for 
commercials. Let's see if it's just hype.


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