[BC] EAS alert tones in movie preview ad

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Fri Nov 12 08:46:16 CST 2010

------ At 11:24 AM 11/9/2010, RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote: -------

>When I was working within the broadcast industry, there were no 
>ring-tones or duck farts. However, even the "secret codes" used by 
>CBS to synchronize their stations were not allowed on-the-air!

WACE, where we both worked, used the CBS Netalert system. I recall 
the tones being within the program for cueing. Until recently, 
Westwood One's network (NBC, Mutual) cues were audible on the air. 
After the introduction of Starguide there seemed to be no need for 
on-air cueing. The receiver had relay closures for automation. Maybe 
too many stations were too cheap to buy the relay cards.

I recall that #9 on the numbered wheel was to be used only in case 
the Commies attacked. At WACE the unit often rested on #9.


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