[BC] need a NON-technical explanation

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Thu Nov 11 14:21:31 CST 2010

At 01:48 PM 11/11/2010, you wrote:
>I read somewhere (QST?) that the old meters designation originally used
>to designate frequency was applicable because the spark gap transmitter
>bandwith was extremely wide and not necessarily on a specific frequency.
>  If you got your receiver in the general area of the transmit freq it
>was easy to find.  There weren't many to choose from.

Indeed.  In fact, one of the most common complaints back in those 
early days was about what were called "bloopers" (not the same word 
that we use today about an unintentional mistake we see on TV or 
radio).  Back then, bloopers were rude and inconsiderate (or 
uninformed) radio listeners who tuned their receivers the wrong way 
or had primitive spark set, and as a result, their receivers emitted 
howls and squeaks that interrupted other listeners.  

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