[BC] Transmitter metering

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Thu Nov 11 13:41:33 CST 2010

Methinks its initial development dates back before Moseley even existed. Perhaps you worked with Fritz? Fritz Bauer used one for remote-control metering in his FB-5V before Sparta/Cetec took over the line. He used a 2N404 germanium transistor because it would start working at a few hundred milivolts instead the 0.6 of a silicon one. Its major drawback, I recall, was that it had no over-voltage protection. If you had an arc in the metered circuit, you replaced the transistor!

Richard B. Johnson
Book: http://www.AbominableFirebug.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Tonne" <tonne at comcast.net>

I did the design work on the MBB-1, suggested that
name and suggested also that it be anodized black.
It was not ideal but it was satisfactory.   Sort of.

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