[BC] Skyline TV Promo

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Wed Nov 10 22:09:25 CST 2010

------ At 04:59 PM 11/10/2010, RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote: -------

>That is why someone in the AGENCY needs to go to prison. Such a 
>commercial represents entrapment and fraud. In the normal conduct of 
>business, a licensee cannot review every word that will be spoken, 
>every sound that will be transmitted, etc. The agency represented 
>that the commercial was suitable for broadcast at the instant it 
>contracted for the commercial to be run.

The commercial may well be suitable for broadcast. I think the key is 
if it triggers a receiver. Since I believe EAS is an absolute failure 
I don't see this as a problem. I think the tests should be 
transparent. The idea of sending the sound of a duck passing gas 
followed by a notice that "we're just kidding" does more harm by 
causing listeners to ignore the real attention signal if it ever gets sent.

As far as sending someone from an agency to prison, there have been 
many times I've rethought the value of the guillotine as I sit 
through seemingly endless breaks filled with lousy spots, promos, 
news teases, more promos followed by more spots.

If we were to send agency people and Sales Managers to prison we'd 
have no room for pot smokers and those who've committed similar 
heinous crimes. The incarceration of those who contributed to 
the  destruction of the intellectual quality of our lives would cost 
more than all the wars we're currently fighting or planning to fight.

The FCC has more important fish to fry. Fleeting expletives and 
stripping broadcasters of spectrum to give to tiny broadband 
providers like Verizon and AT&T far outweigh the income potential of 
Hollywood gas passers.


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