[BC] EAS alert tones in movie preview ad

Alan Peterson alanpeterson at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 10 13:33:58 CST 2010

On the topic, remember the 1983 made-for-TV movie "The Day After", about a nuclear attack on America?  There was a scene where the old two-tone EBS signals were heard over a car radio in the body of the movie, apparently to no ill effect in the real world.

As its been many years since I've seen the movie, I'd like to know how they were able to get around the regulation -- did they pitch the tones up or down, or just not play the signal long enough to actually trip decoders? The implication in the story line was that they were "EBS tones" and would be recognized (or at least perceived) as such by the viewing audience. So how did they do that?


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