[BC] Michael Jackson, R.I.P.

towers at mre.com towers at mre.com
Fri Jun 26 06:48:11 CDT 2009

This will be my only post on the subject.

More often than not, "other circustances" are a contributing component
when someone like MJ passes at an awkward/before their time age. There is
a report from a rather vocal close family confidant that administration of
prescription drugs may have been involved and the trigger of the cardiac
arrest. I won't mention the drug or the allegations in any more detail as
it's all speculation at this point. The autospy will shed light and clear
that up....or so we hope it will.  And if that's the case, I'm sure the
tabloids and TV shows will run amuck sewing forth anything
imaginable...factual or otherwise.

Elvis and MJ...two white star icons brought down by the viciousness of
drugs and rumormongoring.

May Michael rest now peacfully.  He certainly didn't/couldn't when he was


> ------ At 07:11 PM 6/25/2009, Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote: -------
>>I have NEVER mocked the dead, ill or those who
>>are otherwise unable to defend themselves. I am
>>ashamed, embarrassed and frankly disgusted to
>>have any association with those who do.
> I'm really surprised at some of the posts here today. I should say
> disgusted and embarrassed that the death of a person should cause
> people to assemble to think up jokes.
> This is the second time in recent memory Tom and I have agreed with
> each other 100%. Each of them went too early. Let's let them go
> peacefully. Let's let them be judged by a spirit at a salary level
> much higher than any of ours.
> Rich

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