[BC] DTV Audio Levels

Tom Dimeo am at pa321.net
Sun Jun 14 13:31:47 CDT 2009

Last Friday morning on WOR John Gambling was talking about 
the subject of spots being louder than other program content. 
 He must have been reading some of the same comments.

He asked listeners to let him know if that was the case on 
his program and if it was he'd do something about it.

I listen to WOR on the Internet stream and the levels are 
surprisingly stable.  Only problem is that they have at least 
one silent period, and often more, that might run for several 
minutes.  Think someone on this list explained that it has to 
do with cues triggering certain events.


** Rich Wood Wrote: **
>On this list and others there have been many comments about 
>the amazing lack of control of audio in digital.

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