[BC] Unique fixes to complicated problems

Scott Fybush scott at fybush.com
Thu Jun 11 23:48:52 CDT 2009

towers at mre.com wrote:
> But the copyright of the streamer is violated.  IP also applies to
> streaming of content and violates the terms of the receiver's agreement
> stating the streamed content will not be used for commerical purposes.
> Trolling or not...that's a serious violation regardless of whether he did
> it or not...

In defense of the poster in question: while he's certainly had his 
moments with most of us on the list, I don't consider him a troll. I 
think he's young, extremely enthusiastic, but rather inexperienced, and 
that he's made some (by his own admission) unfortunate choices of 
employers and employment over the last few years.

In too many of those cases, he's been in a situation no young 
broadcaster should be: placed in charge of a shoestring operation 
without anyone at all around to help him learn the ropes - or to teach 
him some of the more arcane rules of the business, like the "don't 
simulcast someone else without permission" one.

I hope, for his sake, that he can find somewhere where he can spend some 
time as an Indian rather than as a chief...and can have the open mind to 
learn from those with more experience and knowledge so he can put his 
enthusiasm to a more focused use.

Maybe there's even someone on the list who could help him find such a 
position, as I believe he's on the market right now.

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