[BC] Re: Disguising voices

Alan Peterson alanpeterson at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 9 19:47:27 CDT 2009

>Didn't BOSS have a box that had a bunch of faders on it to change the pitch,
>etc. of a voice?  ISTR it was fairly cheap.

That was the Boss (Roland) VT-1 Voice Transformer from about 12 years or so ago. Little orange tabletop box with, yep, a bunch of faders that would shift the frequency and the formants of an incoming voice. It laid in some reverb for an enhanced feel and could also do some cool robotic-style vocoding as well.

As of this writing, there are two on eBay but IMO are horribly overpriced.

Alan Peterson KJ4IVD
Radio America Network
Washington DC

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