[BC] GOOD NEWS on Performance Royalties

JIM GRAHAM jgprods at bellsouth.net
Wed Jun 3 17:19:15 CDT 2009

For decades the record companies have used bribery, payola, to get radio stations to play certain songs.  For decades the record companies have given radio stations lots of promotional copies of songs in an effort to get radio stations to play them.  For decades promoters have wined and dined program directors, music directors, and DJ's to get them to play their songs.  These facts should CLEARLY show why a performance tax is nothing more than an effort to create a new revenue stream for them, and should NOT be instituted.  What a contradiction!  The fees already charged to satellite radio and streaming stations should stop, too.  Music played on radio, satellite radio, and streaming is a win-win.  The providers can "program" their station, and the listeners often want to purchase the song(s) because they heard them on a "station".  The REAL issue is how PCs have made it possible for the consumer to get the music and bypass the retail world.  I
 don't have the solution for that one, but, that's where the labels should create a new marketing/sales plan.

Jim Graham

jgprods at bellsouth.net


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