RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Mon Jun 1 09:53:53 CDT 2009

A few weeks ago, I was driving down Route 67 between North Brookfield 
and East Brookfield, Massachusetts. I noticed an AM station that I 
hadn't seen before. It seemed strange -- an AM station in North 
Brookfield??? I asked around and found out that it was WVNE, licensed 
to Leicester, MA. Now, I thought that station was on Route 9, North 
of Spencer, within the town of Leicester -- but what would I know, I 
have no reason to question what the locals know. One told me it was 
on 750 kHz (sic), some religious programming, so I tuned it in. There 
was a LOUD HUM, that's it. No audio was present, just a loud HUM. I 
set the radio button and forgot about it. This weekend, while 
traveling in the area, I punched it up and heard the same loud hum 
from Worcester to Sturbridge. Then, somebody in Warren told me that 
the radio station frequency was really 760 kHz, not 750 kHz. I tuned 
it in --loud and clear. But..... That station is transmitting LOUD 
HUM on both 750 kHz and 770 kHz! Is this the IBUZ??? If it is, it 
certainly doesn't comply with the bandwidth rules as I knew them. If 
this is NOT what IBUZ is supposed to do, if there are any WVNE 
engineering people reading this list, I suggest a trip to North 
Brookfield is in order.

Richard B. Johnson
Book: http://www.AbominableFirebug.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rich Wood" <richwood at pobox.com>

Not to worry. There are no known problems with IBUZ.


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