[BC] hot enough for you ?

Jerry Mathis thebeaver32 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 19:29:53 CDT 2009

I'm curious as to how they did that. Power line voltages are set by
regulators in the substations and along long power line runs, It seems that
whatever they do for you they're also doing for everyone else on your power
feed. Or am I missing something here?

Jerry Mathis

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Jim Offerdahl
<jim at offerdahlbroadcast.com>wrote:

> Ripple is the same as "off-paek" - when you sign up with a utility to turn
> off a high load device during high demand periods, such as when it's 100
> degrees out. In our case we are on a plan the let's them "ripple" our
> entire
> facility, studios or transmitter site. When they do our generator starts
> automatically and runs til the deamnd peak is over. We are on a
> "by-through"
> plan where we pay a rate smaller than it costs us to run our generator up
> until a "major peak". It's during the by-through time we noticed they use
> voltage reduction to save on demand. Kind of cheating if you ask me, but
> they were good enough to take it off for us.
> Jim Offerdahl

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