[BC] Cool Edit and beyond

Alan Peterson alanpeterson at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 20 13:13:40 CDT 2009

Syntrillium handed off Cool Edit Pro to Adobe about - what? - six years ago? Audition became the successor and is in use at stations, networks, college campuses and other facilities everywhere.

Many folks have hung onto their legacy CEP software for many a year and are beginning to discover that the original CEP doesn't much like Vista and quite possibly won't like Win7 when the official release is rolled out.

With the exception of the switch to AA ($350 per desktop), what is looking good to you as a reasonably priced multitrack editor that is likely to play nice with the new MS operating systems and will work fairly dependably right out of the box? Or even what's *off* the MS wagon? 

Being free, Audacity is attractive but slow. ProTools is always a favorite, but is pricey and the budget versions won't handle VST plugins. Adobe's Soundbooth is another possibility, leaving off numerous features deemed unnecessary in the semi-pro realm; and the open-source Traverso (Win/Lin/Mac) looks promising, but little is known about it to the general user community.

It'd be interesting to hear what you've seen that you like.

Alan Peterson KJ4IVD 
(CEP, AA, SAW, Sampl, Aud, FastEddie, Goldwave/Multiquence)

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