[BC] List interruption

Chris Gebhardt chris at virtbiz.com
Wed Jun 17 23:59:23 CDT 2009

Greetings List,
Sorry for the interruption in list traffic on Wednesday.

We let slip to Barry's old server that it was getting replaced, so it 
said "you can't fire me, I quit!".   Since then it's been a faster-than 
-anticipated scramble to get everything running on a brand new box.

You know, it's kind of like moving into great new digs.  You know 
everything is really nice and fresh but there are always those last 
things you have to do to make it home.   That's where we are at now. 
John and Barry have been working overtime to make it so.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to work through ironing out the 
last bits.

Chris Gebhardt
VIRTBIZ Internet Services
chris at virtbiz.com | (972) 485-4125

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