Blake Bowers bbowers at mozarks.com
Mon Jul 27 13:22:45 CDT 2009

I'm not sure who has inquired that we haven't responded to... 

Call me and let's talk!


Cc: 909kswp at kswp.org

Your Christian Radio station article has attracted attention
from across the country.

Two radio station engineers there in the Lufkin area have expressed
concern that possibly the station is not looking at all their options
for repairing the equipment, instead just going out to try to get
funds to replace everything.  They have been repeatedly offering
their services, but no replies.

163,000 is way more than is needed to purchase new transmitters,
perhaps someone is trying to take advantage of someone?

The broadcast mailing list, at www.radiolists.net has a lot of information 
and comments on it - from a lot of people who want
to help, but are a bit confused just who is taking advantage of who.

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