[BC] Radio station ignoring rules

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue Jul 14 14:27:35 CDT 2009

------ At 08:19 PM 7/13/2009, Alan Alsobrook wrote: -------

>I think you only complained about a month ago. The FCC will check it out
>but this typically takes about 6 months. Also I don't think they make
>any response to the complainant about their investigation.

Sounds about right. Give them 6 months more. Just like the gummint. 
Just like the laws that were supposed to save us from predatory 
credit card companies. Give them enough time to implement what you're 
about to make illegal. I don't suppose they'll have to roll back the 
scams once they're illegal. That's what makes listening to Chris 
Dodd's campaign commercials so annoying. "I helped save you from 
those mean credit card companies." I sent him an email. You're right. 
No response other than to find my email address on their fundraising list.

I paid off my Chase credit card two months ago. I received a notice 
there was $1.00 due. A residual charge, they called it. Strange that 
it's exactly $1.00. If I hadn't paid attention that $1.00 would have 
brought a $39.00 late fee and a ding on my credit report.

It's a shame we have to watch out or become roadkill when dealing 
with banks. Gosh. Even Mel's having trouble.


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