[BC] Groupies and KRUD

Mark Croom croom.mark at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 08:44:06 CDT 2009

Hey Al,

I got a lot more smiles out of the RW pieces than one short cartoon. Maybe
it's because the three frame format really only has room for one punchline
but an 800-word column has several opportunities for cleverness before the
real punch line has to hit. They each have their strengths I suppose but I
find I need to look at several cartoons before I feel like I've had a good
humor break--about as along as it takes to read one 800-word column I

I liked your From The Trenches columns a LOT.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 8:20 AM, Alan Peterson <alanpeterson at earthlink.net>wrote:

> The KRUD website also addresses groupies and 'radio relationships':
> krud.com/image/toon28.gif...etc etc etc snip
>  <http://krud.com/toon29.html>

> This site does in three frames what it used to take me 800 words to do in
> "From The Trenches" in Radio World! One of my favorite sites.
> AP

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