[BC] A Service Idea: Is there a need (and/or a market) for this?

Keith Hammond monsterfm at monsterfm.com
Sat May 17 14:53:28 CDT 2008

-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Gary Glaenzer
>Can't recall where you are (old age, I guess) but the price of fuel 
>must be factored in anymore
>But yes, I can see a need for larger owners to use the service to 
>swap TX's between locations

The idea was a "you call from anywhere" thing. And, I'm more than familiar
with the fuel equation as I just drove this rig from Ohio to texas (at an
average of $4.62/gallon for diesel) for just about $600.00 UNloaded.

I guess the only real advantage would be in having people doing the moving
that are aware that a transmitter move is more delicate than, for instance,
hauling a load of bricks and who can actually assist with disconnection,
reconnection and setup.

But, there is that many hundreds in fuel to just get there...

Hey! I resent that "old-age" comment! (Just kidding.) I've just turned 45
and don't believe a person's "old" until they feel old! (My solution to
feeling old is to simply stop feeling of myself...)  ;-)

I also hate to pass on a ***GREAT*** deal on such a heavy moving rig that
might actually be put to use and could actually "break even"!!!

No! No other business that I touch will be even remotely associated with the
socialist state of texASS so, we would NOT base the operation from there as
we prefer civilized locations... An actual "base of operations" has not yet
been determined.

After arriving home (last night) I received a call from a client asking my
route back and, upon learning that I had passed through Indianapolis and St.
Louis - in that order - he stated, "I only wish I had known because I have
two transmitters that are sitting in Indianapolis and I need them delivered
top St. Louis." (This is where I got the idea.)

Keith Hammond
MonsterFM.com / Broadcast Technical Services

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