[BC] telco service in the 21st century

Reader reader at oldradio.com
Tue May 13 13:08:31 CDT 2008


Yet another travesty of the Powell FCC! The Comm. Act. of 1996 was supposed to
be the "Act for the next 50 years", yet Powell and his Republican ilk
Commissioners read the Act to mean that the sharing provisions applied ONLY to
the plant then in existance in 1996 (copper).

Do ANY of us believe that any copper plant will still be in common use by
telcos in 2046??

Of course, then Powell 'deregulated' DSL and determined that COPPER sharing
only applied to analog VOICE, not data (DSL)!

BUT the telcos got 100% of what THEY wanted-entry to the long distance market
and the ability to merge each other back together again!

The consumer got raped by the FCC...TWICE! And Powell and his friends got
nice, cushy jobs as telco 'consultants'. All nicely bought, paid for, and
warpped up in a nice (fiber) ribbon!

Let's not even mention how the Act has screwed up our business...

The Communications  Act of 1996 was one of the biggest rapes of the American
Consumer ever!


------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 13 May 2008 11:17:29 AM EDT
From: R A Meuser <rameuser at ieee.org>

You may have a few things confused.  There is an FCC requirement that a
wire line carrier make it last mile copper available to competitors. As
an example, Verizon in NYC must give RCN access to their loops. This
requirement does not extend to fiber or other new technologies. Verizon
does not need to share the new fiber FIOS network. That is the reason
they pull the copper loops once FIOS is installed.

As for swapping territories with competing companies, that would likely
just be a business deal where both parties benefit. Verizon needs their
own CO to support the fiber unless they choose to share the product in a
territory they do not serve. At the end of the day it is just about
making deals. Follow your financial pages.

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