[BC] OT, anyone with UVerse yet?

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue May 13 08:44:40 CDT 2008

------ At 12:10 AM 5/13/2008, Dana  Puopolo wrote: -------

>It should soon ba available here where I am and I'll probably going to try it

How is this going to work? I had a long conversation with a Verizon 
salesperson the other day. He says FIOS will only be available where 
Verizon is the wireline provider. He suggested that negotiations are 
ongoing to have non Verizon phone companies swap territories to allow 
contiguous service in some areas of value to the company. I'm not 
sure I understand why one company would give up valuable turf to a competitor.

Has there been legislation requiring phone companies to give valuable 
capacity to all comers?


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