[BC] IP address blocking

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue May 13 08:06:23 CDT 2008

------ At 03:44 PM 5/12/2008, Thomas G. Osenkowsky wrote: -------

>The fisrt step in the process is to admit to yourself
>that you have a problem. No software or material
>item will break the circle. YOU have to do that yourself.

I do have a problem. People are spoofing my address. I deny I'm doing 
it myself. I believe this denial is legitimate. Since I use the 
software as an assistant and don't let it make final decisions, I 
retain control. That's the key. I've made a conscious effort manage 
the problem myself. I don't deny it sometimes fails. Where does 
semi-denial rate on the scale?

>I used to call myself, beep myself, send me emails.
>When I finally confronted my inner demons I was
>able to break the cycle and rejoin society in a productive
>manner. The admission, a daily dose of Ritalin and
>Lithium for condition management keep me on the
>right path.

I'm deeply moved by your recovery even if it's causing the stock of 
AT&T and Verizon to tumble. Just remember to take it one day at a 
time and watch the market. I believe there's plenty of Ritalin 
available but wonder if the trend toward lithium batteries isn't 
diverting it away from those who desperately need it for emotional 
stabilization. I often wonder if rejoining society isn't a serious 
mistake. Look around you. Which group has more control? Is it those 
doped up in caring, protective environments or those dopes in the 
O'Reilly no spin zone? Doesn't Talk Radio and Trash TV make it 
difficult to know which course is best? Is reality truly the best 
course? It can drive you crazy.

>Memories of the straight jacket, the nice
>youg men in their shiny white coats, the shock treatments
>and the 'therapy' sessions with Mistress Helga and her
>cat whip keep me in line. I'm OK now and wnat to stay
>that way.

I'm sure the men in white coats can be helpful with their gentle 
guiding ways. You're an engineer, so self-inflicted shock therapy is 
going to happen whether you pay for it or not. However, the services 
of Mistress Helga are in far greater demand outside the medical 
community. I'm certain she makes far more money in "mainstream" 
society than she does from insurance payments of pennies on the 
dollar. Are her therapeutic credentials as solid as Nurse Diesel? I 
question that.

In the meantime I'm going to continue my present course and 
consciously block blocks of IP addresses. When there's a knock on the 
door by those men in white coats (with proper paperwork) I'll go 
quietly. I only ask that I be permitted to take my IBUZ radio with me 
as an intermittent connection to the outside world. It's a simple 
request that'll only require the men to don coveralls to install the 
rooftop antenna. I'm sure their commitment to my emotional well being 
will cause them to do it gladly and my insurance will pay for it.


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