[BC] ANI Faking

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Mon May 12 09:16:44 CDT 2008

------ At 04:36 AM 5/12/2008, Andy Green \(Listservers\) wrote: -------

>We are constantly coming up against problems communicating with US based
>businesses who have blocked a range of IP addresses from outside the US,
>many times I have had to resort to fax or phone, but oftentimes, if there is
>an alternative, they lose the business.

I agree it's foolish to block countries with whom you might do 
business. China is a major offender, yet they're on their way toward 
owning us. Pretty soon they'll make it illegal for us to ignore them. 
I'll bet they already own most of our politicians.

>I do sometimes feel that many of you guys fee that we in Europe are out in
>the boondocks, and living in theme park!!

Frankly, I'd prefer your theme park to ours. The dust in Iraq and 
Afghanistan (and soon Iran) gets in the roller coaster gears and makes a mess.


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