[BC] Re: FeedHorn Bug Covers

Bill Allen Jr n8uhn at yahoo.com
Tue May 6 18:15:45 CDT 2008

Reading the answeres to this post reminds me of the
many times i've finished the sandwich from my feedbag
and then turned the ziplock bag inside out so the rain
would wash away any leftovers and secured it the end
of a feedhorn with a black zip tie!

the bug covers from skyvision and dawn are great if
you have them on hand or remembered to order a dozen.

i'm courious about some of the other post's.

what is the attenuation of tyvek or the one that
bothers me the most - the styrofoam plug!

plastic like the ziploc bag and sandwhich wrap seem to
be minimal and have no effect.

but do the other attenuate the signal any?

i think the real bug covers are eather made of a
radome type of material or the holes around the outer
edge are there for more then venting.

on another note, one does have to keep stinging
insects in mind when pulling that feedhorn cover off
in the summer, i've slid down the ladder a few time's
rather quickly when i forgot about bug's and pulled
the cover off and heard buuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!


> Scott,
> I've had multi year success at a location using
Tyvek house wrap
> and a stainless 7" band clamp. The Tyvek should be
available from
> most lumber yards. The band clamp was found in the
HVAC section of
> Home Depot. It is used to clamp flexible duct.
> ----------

Yes, the type of clamp (like a hose clamp) used to
attach a
hose will work.  I have also tried cutting a piece of
Styrofoam to fit
inside the feedhorn.  Just jam it in and there will be
no space left

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