[BC] Fallout from cuts

Jason Houts jasonhouts at gmail.com
Thu May 1 12:29:17 CDT 2008

>Hopefully it will be CC.  That way the rest of them will pucker on 
>the way down. :)

>They seem to all be following the "leader" (CC) anyway....

I mentioned a few days ago about a couple BM's and their conversation about
"HUMAN ASSETS".  I have to say, one should never wish a "COLLAPSE" for any
company.  CC gave me 6 good years of employment so that I could build my
home and family how "I" saw fit.  After a successful 6 years, I left CC and
moved into a larger market with a medium size company (at the beginning of
the CC sell off).  I took with me a greater understanding of the business
because of these 6 years with CC.  I should probably re-state my comments
out of fairness.  As I heard the "LOCAL" BM's talk in a heartless way about
"HUMAN ASSETS", I know that type of talk was "ALLOWED" by the "LOCAL

That being said, isn't 0dbu .77 V (rms)?


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