[BC] franklin Two Antennas back at WOAI 1200 San Antonio

Ron Cole rondcole
Sat Sep 30 08:36:41 CDT 2006

When was the WOAI Antenna converted to a 195 Vert?
The last time I drove by that site, some 8 or 9 years ago there was an ATU
in the middle of a Very tall tower.

Ron Cole

On 9/30/06, DHultsman5 at aol.com <DHultsman5 at aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 9/29/2006 12:11:25 PM Central Daylight Time,
> ranchorobbo at hotmail.com writes:
> I guess  one good thing about the Franklin is that there's no radials to
> rip
> up and  run off with.  I've always wondered how the Franklin is fed.  The
> one
> in Calif. that's the two tower phased DA is fed with unbalanced open  wire
> feed.   At the feedpoints, is this feedline terminated so  the center is
> bonded to one side and the outer wires to the other (as if  the Franklin
> is a
> 1 w/l vertical center fed zepp) or are both sides of the  feedpoint fed
> with
> the center wire (like two 1/2 w. end fed zepps with one  side of the feed,
> the outside, unterminated)?
> thanks,
> rob  atkinson
> *************************************
> The WOAI Franklin,  two locations back, was designed and implemented  by
> Mr.
> Jeffus, then CE of WOAI AM-TV.   It was written up in the IRE  Broadcast
> transactions,  I would like to have a copy of that paper.  I  had a copy
> of the
> transactions and have looked for it over the past 25 years and  must have
> loaned
> it out or misplaced it.
> I visited the site over 30 years ago.  The Continental 317B  transmitter
> was
> installed next to the RCA Channel 4 TV transmitter as I recall  at the TV
> site.  The TV tower was next to the transmitter building.
> The WOAI AM tower was nearly a half mile down the road from the TV and AM
> transmitter building.  At that time the AM signal was fed to the tower
> on  very
> tall open wire feed line.  At the base of the tower was a building  about
> the
> size of single car garage.  With termination gear.  A 3-1/8"  rigid
> transmission line was insulated from the base to the mid point of
> the  tower. At the mid
> mount on the tower was a concrete platform with a small  building about
> the
> size of a outhouse.  The 3-1/8 line was the coupled into  the top section
> of
> the tower.  About 1/2 way up the bottom section and 1/2  way up the top
> section
> a standard sample loop was mounted with feed lines to the  bottom of the
> tower.
> John Furr later CE of WOAI moved the site and replicated
> the  Franklin.  As
> note the last move it was constructed as a standard series  fed tower.
> At night WOAI covered the state and over 25 years ago had a good signal in
> Birmingham at night.
> Dave Hultsman
> Continental Electronics
> Birmingham, AL
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