[BC] Country Music plight in top towns

Craig Bowman craig1
Wed Sep 27 18:48:16 CDT 2006

Detroit added a country station a couple months ago for a total of three 
(if you don't count St.Clare County).

Craig Bowman
Bowman Engineering
Durand, MI

Cornelius Gould wrote:
> This whole thing is headed where I thought it would over 10 years ago. 
> The problem here is that too many radio people are suffering from 
> "their grass is greener" syndrome.
> All of broadcast audio media is in the same boat.  The same boat that 
> broadcast TV is in.  Satellite Radio and Internet Radio are simply 
> "radio's" version of Cable TV.
> The "Radio Cable" is simply fragmenting the pie further and further. 
> Radio should look to what TV is up to in their efforts to stay viable 
> with the changing times.
> My position since the dawn of satellite radio - and in particular, the 
> terrestrial repeater quagmire was/is this: Instead of fighting 
> Satellite Radio, radio should have found a way to get ONTO the 
> terrestrial repeater system and become one of the many offerings on XM 
> and Sirius.
> There is so much bad blood between the two types of casters now that 
> I'm not sure if that will ever be possible at this point.
> I'm not so sure these "knee Jerk" programming reactions are going to 
> help broadcast radio in the long run.  Yes, the audience for 
> traditionally mass-appeal formats is shrinking, but it's shrinking for 
> EVERYONE.  Just ask any TV station.  Even THEY are dealing with the 
> various Non-Linear forms of programming in a proactive way (i-Pods, 
> etc)! (As much as possible, anyway.)
> I have to get back to things, otherwise I'd go deeper into this 
> subject, but I thought I'd throw this seed for thought out there.
> -Cornelius
> WFIFeng at aol.com wrote:
>> Ya know... I just don't get it! Why do they "blow up" these perfectly 
>> viable formats ("Oldies" and "Country") with respectable numbers? 
>> What are they thinking? (Or *are* they thinking?) I find it totally 
>> incomprehensible! It would appear that they are in a hurry to rush 
>> over the cliff, like so many Lemmings, thus sending their listeners 
>> into the waiting arms of the Satcasters... never to return. For all 
>> the blather about being "worried" about them "stealing" listeners 
>> from Terrestrial Radio, they sure are doing a great job of keeping 
>> those listeners... *NOT!*
>> Willie...
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