[BC] Pirate Radio Stations Challenge Feds

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Mon Sep 25 12:52:04 CDT 2006

On 9/25/06, Harold Hallikainen <harold at hallikainen.com> wrote:
> ==============================================================================
> TOPIC: Pirate Radio Stations Challenge Feds
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.dcom.telecom/browse_thread/thread/dcb3c5f9318ff7fb
> ==============================================================================
> also http://tinyurl.com/z2p64

This problem may finally be solved (at least from an engineering
standpoint) when "unlimited bandwidth" becomes available, making FCC
licensing obsolete.  Then, Dunifer's followers, you, me, and whoever
wants to use the "public airwaves" can simply go ahead -- just as easy
as streaming on the Internet.  If this sounds crazy, read the


Reed cites the "pinhole camera" as proof that photons don't interfere
with one another.  However, a more familiar example might be a
low-power AM or FM station, transmitting to a receiver a short
distance away, in the middle of a much longer path between a high
power transmitter and a second receiver.  Both stations share the same
frequency and communicate interference-free with their respective
receivers, despite the fact that both sets of "photons" are passing
through a portion of the same space.

Assuming the technology can be worked out, would we be better off
getting rid of broadcast licensing?  In other words, treat radio and
TV like the print media -- as the First Amendment  intended.

Something to think about.


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