[BC] putting phone calls on the air

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Sat Sep 23 13:49:43 CDT 2006

On 9/18/06, Peter Moncure <pmoncure at radiosoft.com> wrote:
> There was massive discontent when the Woodstock, NY exchange went to
> seven digits in the early 60's, there would have been trouble if they
> hadn't promised us that only five digits would be necessary.  ORiole-9
> IIRC.  I wonder who had the job of finding labels for all those two
> letter combinations?

Here's Ma Bell's official list of recommended exchange names:


It's interesting that so many of the names carry WASP-ish
connotations, like MAyfair,  PLymouth, WEllington, ESsex, CHurchill,
PIlgrim, and VIctor(ia).  If the names were chosen today, would there
be a call for more ethnic diversity?

Also, note that the aukward combinations (for example 57x and 97x)
were reserved for radio telephones.  This may also be the reason 555
and x11 prefixes were assigned to directory assistance, repair
service, and "dummy" numbers.


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