[BC] Counterpoise Ground System

Mark Earle mearle
Wed Sep 20 13:07:01 CDT 2006

>    Luckily, Portland, TN is near the county line, and they found a site,
> just off I-65, near the Robertson County/Sumner County Line. The site
> was zoned in Robertson County. Two towers were erected and the 5 mv/m
> barely covered the city of Portland, but the consultant engineer made it
> work. 
NIMBY's. (Not In My Back Yard). No one now wants "ugly" towers. Yet let 
a storm roll through (say, Rita or Katrina) and the ONLY thing working 
between the gov't agencies, and the public, is broadcast Radio and TV. 
Cell phones failed early-on, and are not a suitable broadcast medium 
(now) anyhow.

The guys in New Orleans made a herculean effort to keep some of the AMs 
going - so folks could know what was happening, in the area they had 

Well, can't have it both ways. IF you want a local radio with local 
people delivering breaking news, you gotta have towers.


      ) )    
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