[BC] Tape deck issue/cleaning solutions

Mark Garrett ka9szx
Tue Sep 19 14:22:07 CDT 2006

   I  want  to  say  that  I  have found 90% isopropryl alcohol at of all
   places  Wal  Mart.   I  have  not  purchased  a bottle since the state
   required  meth  making  materials  to be purchased at the prescription
   desk  so  I  do  not  know  if  it falls under this rule or not.  I do
   remember   certain  items  purchased  at  Wal  Mart  would  trigger  a
   supervisor to approve the purchase.

   I wonder how well E 85 would do for cleaning?
   Mark Garrett, KA9SZX
   ka9szx at hotmail.com

     From:  WFIFeng at aol.com
     Reply-To:  Broadcasters' Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net>
     To:  broadcast at radiolists.net
     Subject:  Re: [BC] Tape deck issue/cleaning solutions
     Date:  Tue, 19 Sep 2006 10:24:27 EDT
     >In a message dated 09/19/2006 09:58:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
     >kzerocx at rapidcity.net writes:
     > > I have had very good luck with isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol),
     which has no
     >  >  additives, unless you buy isopropyl rubbing alcohol, which as
     >  >  previously,  is  30% water.  Isopropyl is also about the best
     flux remover I
     > >  have found.
     >When  I  can  find  it,  I  buy  the  91%  isopropyl. The stuff is
     definitely one of
     >the  best  electronics  cleaning  solvents for the buck! With only
     about 9% water,
     >it  evaporates *very* quickly and cleanly. That tiny film of water
     (which is
     >pure)  doesn't  take  long, either. Just a few seconds longer than
     the alcohol,
     >with a little breeze blowing on it.
     >They  used  to  sell  32oz bottles of it at Stop & Shop. Then they
     stopped. They
     >also started putting "Sudafed" behind the counter. The whole thing
     was a
     >mystery to me, until I found out that these are common ingredients
     in the
     >manufature  of  "Meth".  Good  grief.  Now  you can't get original
     "Sudafed" anymore, they
     >have  something  else. (I also heard that the original formula had
     some nasty
     >side-effects, so this makes sense.) Still, finding the 91% alcohol
     has become a
     >bit  of  a  challenge.  I've  seen  12oz bottles at Walgreens, and
     scarfed them when I
     >can  find them. I use a spray bottle to get it down into the nooks
     >crannies  of  circuit  boards,  and  it really does a great job at
     getting the gunk out.
     >It  even  works  on  oily  residues, etc. (But man, does it stink!
     Highly flammable,
     >I  was  able to resurrect my computer's printer by washing it with
     hot water,
     >then  giving  it  a good dose of 91% isopropyl. That displaced the
     water and
     >rinsed  away  the rest of the gunk. I figured it this way: If this
     makes it worse, no
     >loss,  as  the  thing  wasn't  working  too  well. I would just be
     tossing it
     >anyway. If it fixes it, I've saved $89! Well, it worked great! The
     thing is like
     >new, and yes, I was quite pleasantly surprised. :)
     >Ah,  yes- another thing that isopropyl is *very* good at removing:
     Pen ink.
     >Read:  Graffiti.  It  also does a good job of removing "permanent"
     magic marker,
     >too, and printer ink from your hands.
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