[BC] Tape deck issue/cleaning solutions

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Tue Sep 19 09:25:35 CDT 2006

In a message dated 09/19/2006 09:58:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
kzerocx at rapidcity.net writes:

> I have had very good luck with isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), which has no
>  additives, unless you buy isopropyl rubbing alcohol, which as stated
>  previously, is 30% water.  Isopropyl is also about the best flux remover I
>  have found.

When I can find it, I buy the 91% isopropyl. The stuff is definitely one of 
the best electronics cleaning solvents for the buck! With only about 9% water, 
it evaporates *very* quickly and cleanly. That tiny film of water (which is 
pure) doesn't take long, either. Just a few seconds longer than the alcohol, 
with a little breeze blowing on it.

They used to sell 32oz bottles of it at Stop & Shop. Then they stopped. They 
also started putting "Sudafed" behind the counter. The whole thing was a 
mystery to me, until I found out that these are common ingredients in the 
manufature of "Meth". Good grief. Now you can't get original "Sudafed" anymore, they 
have something else. (I also heard that the original formula had some nasty 
side-effects, so this makes sense.) Still, finding the 91% alcohol has become a 
bit of a challenge. I've seen 12oz bottles at Walgreens, and scarfed them when I 
can find them. I use a spray bottle to get it down into the nooks and 
crannies of circuit boards, and it really does a great job at getting the gunk out. 
It even works on oily residues, etc. (But man, does it stink! Highly flammable, 

I was able to resurrect my computer's printer by washing it with hot water, 
then giving it a good dose of 91% isopropyl. That displaced the water and 
rinsed away the rest of the gunk. I figured it this way: If this makes it worse, no 
loss, as the thing wasn't working too well. I would just be tossing it 
anyway. If it fixes it, I've saved $89! Well, it worked great! The thing is like 
new, and yes, I was quite pleasantly surprised. :)

Ah, yes- another thing that isopropyl is *very* good at removing: Pen ink. 
Read: Graffiti. It also does a good job of removing "permanent" magic marker, 
too, and printer ink from your hands.


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