[BC] Top Stations in NYC and LA are all Spanish

Robert Meuser Robertm
Tue Sep 19 06:45:11 CDT 2006

I don't  know where Drudge gets his numbers, but according to radio and 
records WLTW is #1 in NYC as is the usual case.


Glen Kippel wrote:

> Well, yes.  KUNA and KLOB are up at the top of the list here.  But,
> considering that something like 53% of the local population is 
> Hispanic, and
> that there are basically two estacions de radio que transmitiendo en 
> Espanol
> (KESQ-AM doesn't really enter into the equation), as opposed to 
> 30-something
> stations broadcasting in English, it's easy to see how they get a pretty
> large chunk of the PUR pie.
> On 9/18/06, Mark Earle <mearle at mearle.com> wrote:
>> Bill Harms wrote:
>> > according to Drudge this evening (9/18), the top radio stations in
>> > New York City and Los Angeles are Spanish Stations.  A news article
>> > will purportedly follow later.
>> >
>> > Bill Harms
>> > Elkridge, Maryland
>> >
>> A continuing trend in many markets, Spanish stations ranking highly.
>> KLTN has been doing well since 1997 or so, in Houston. KLTN was the
>> first in-market, not-a-rimshot, Spanish language station. It's a full C,
>> 1000', just about.. 1.8 or 2.2 miles east of downtown, on an EPA
>> monitored toxic waste site. Really. (Tower base is below grade by
>> several feet).
>> It was owned by.. shoot.. Tom Hicks was involved.. Evergreen.. no,
>> that's not it. Chancellor? Anyhow, it was purchased in the spring, sold
>> in the fall for a nice increase in price, and has been competitive from
>> day one. For quite a few books it beat out the perennial #1, KODA/ Sunny
>> 99.1, which is now a CC station.
>> Sort of ironic that the owers of #1 sold the station that ended up
>> beating or equaling them for a long time.
>> Political soapbox: NY was the Melting Pot. Except, we stopped requiring
>> melting and haven't secured our borders. We don't require immigrants to
>> learn English and assimilate. So of course media in their language are
>> doing well. LA I would  suppose, is the West Coast Melting Pot, or was.
>> This trend will continue, due to our lack of policy - Spanish (and other
>> non-English) language speakers continue to enter America and make up a
>> higher and growing percentage of the occupants.
>> -- 
>> mwe
>>      ) )
>>     ( (
>>      ) )    You will be assimilated... oooh, coffee!!
>>   _|****|
>> ( |    |
>>   `|____|   mearle at mearle.com
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