[BC] Top Stations in NYC and LA are all Spanish

Mark Earle mearle
Mon Sep 18 21:37:16 CDT 2006

Bill Harms wrote:
> according to Drudge this evening (9/18), the top radio stations in 
> New York City and Los Angeles are Spanish Stations.  A news article 
> will purportedly follow later.
> Bill Harms
> Elkridge, Maryland
A continuing trend in many markets, Spanish stations ranking highly. 
KLTN has been doing well since 1997 or so, in Houston. KLTN was the 
first in-market, not-a-rimshot, Spanish language station. It's a full C, 
1000', just about.. 1.8 or 2.2 miles east of downtown, on an EPA 
monitored toxic waste site. Really. (Tower base is below grade by 
several feet).

It was owned by.. shoot.. Tom Hicks was involved.. Evergreen.. no, 
that's not it. Chancellor? Anyhow, it was purchased in the spring, sold 
in the fall for a nice increase in price, and has been competitive from 
day one. For quite a few books it beat out the perennial #1, KODA/ Sunny 
99.1, which is now a CC station.

Sort of ironic that the owers of #1 sold the station that ended up 
beating or equaling them for a long time.

Political soapbox: NY was the Melting Pot. Except, we stopped requiring 
melting and haven't secured our borders. We don't require immigrants to 
learn English and assimilate. So of course media in their language are 
doing well. LA I would  suppose, is the West Coast Melting Pot, or was.

This trend will continue, due to our lack of policy - Spanish (and other 
non-English) language speakers continue to enter America and make up a 
higher and growing percentage of the occupants.


      ) )    
     ( (     
      ) )    You will be assimilated... oooh, coffee!!
  ( |    |   
   `|____|   mearle at mearle.com 

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