[BC] Rich might not have EAS to kick around much longer

Rich Wood richwood
Thu Sep 14 10:05:54 CDT 2006

------ At 09:27 AM 9/14/2006, tosenkowsky at prodigy.net wrote: -------

>Don't get too upset over this. The Hallmark channel still shows Touched By
>An Angel.

 From a company known for lasting quality literature taught in the 
greatest halls of academia, I would expect that. The poet John Milton 
wrote two contrasting poems, L'Allegro and Il Penseroso. Il Penseroso 
celebrates "pensive melancholy" while L'Allegro revels in a 
"pleasure-seeking lifestyle." Both descriptions are very simplistic 
but will have to do for the Internet. I was taught you can't have one 
without the other. Happiness can only be known if one has experienced sadness.

I can't enjoy what I enjoy on TV without knowing that Touched by an 
Angel is thrilling someone, somewhere. It's sort of a 
matter/anti-matter thing. May it run forever on someone else's TV.


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