[BC] Radio digital en Mexico

Glen Kippel glen.kippel
Wed Sep 13 12:02:34 CDT 2006

I was just looking up some info on the
*sct.gob.mx*<http://sct.gob.mx//t_blank>website and found this article
from la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y
Transportes, Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones (here's kind of a rough
translation - maybe somebody can improve on it):

The open radio is a free activity by which many people obtain information
and entertainment.
Radio [broadcasting] is one of the first technologies of radio
communications that was put in operation and is operated in relatively low
bands, as is the case of AM or adjacent to the television
in VHF, like the case of FM.

At present they develop in the world three standards, mainly, that are
focused to the open digital radio, and they are:

1) IBOC, based on a technology by the one that intends to transmit in the
same channel and in the same band, so much for AM as for FM.

2) Eureka-147 (DAB), based on a technology that requires the use of a new
band, that of  1452-1492 MHz would be the one that could be applied in

3) DRM, based on a technology that requires the broadcast in a channel
exclusively inside the same band, its present focus is toward the shortwave
bands and AM.

The SCT continues the studies to determine the standard that should be
utilized in Mexico as well as the politics that will continue for the case.

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