[BC] Part 15 LPAM Questions?

Jim Tonne tonne
Sun Sep 10 21:13:33 CDT 2006

I just looked up the R and jX values of a 10 foot tower
over excellent ground at 1500 kHz.  The radiation
resistance is near 0.07 ohms and reactance is about
negative (capacitive) 3100 ohms.

To match that to 50 ohms would take an L-network with
an input shunt C of about .055 uF followed by a series
inductor with about 335 uH.  At a power level of  *one* 
watt there would be about 4 amps going through the 
capacitor and 11.7 kilovolts across the inductor.

Not real good!    

- JimT

Hope my rithmetic was OK.

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