[BC] Re: LPFM Operations

wpio fm radio wpio
Wed Sep 6 21:02:43 CDT 2006

Seems like this thread has made rocket science out of 

Can't we all get along when it comes to a few basics...

1) NCE's and LPFM's have the same underwriter rules.
2) They are forbidden from broadcasting commercial material.
3) Not only can they sell airtime, they can sell their whole 
station (not LPFM's, just NCE's).
4) Enhanced Underwriter Announcements are not commercials.
5) Sermons are not commercials.
6) Gift offers to entice a donation are not commercials.
7) NCE stations get in trouble with the FCC over content, 
not price.
8) If they take in more revenue than their cost of 
operation, they may not distribute it among the officers and 

All the fines and admonishments that I've seen occur, occur 
when a for-profit entity got commercial wording *and* the 
station got consideration.

NCE or LPFM airtime can be sold, traded, PI'd or whatever, 
if the content doesn't violate.  If I tell the city council 
that I will broadcast their meeting for a penny a minute, or 
$100 a minute, the FCC DOESN'T care.

It is the other federal agency, the IRS who requires that we 
account as to how those revenues advanced our exempt cause 
It's done on form 990 each May 15.

Randy Henry

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